Many businesses still receive a large volume of inbound mail each and every day. This mail is typically opened, sorted, categorised and distributed across the business to the relevant teams. This requires a mailroom and a team of staff who can manage this process.
Then came COVID-19 and we all started working from home. Now, running a mailroom and distributing that mail is more complicated than ever before. This a difficult, time-consuming process further complicated by remote working to help combat the pandemic.
Digital mailrooms, whilst not an entirely new concept, are perfectly suited to help simplify mail in modern businesses that may have some or all staff working from home or different locations.
With a digital mailroom, your post is routed to a third-party organisation who then open, sort, scan, index and electronically distribute your incoming post. This provides secure, instant access from any location in the world – all you need is a web browser.
Digital mailrooms have been attractive for some time now, as with all smart digitisation, they improve operations whilst saving time and money for the business. But now, in the age of COVID-19, digital mailrooms now provide further benefits, simplifying access for remote workers and removing risks associated with physical contact and sharing of documents.
In this article, we take a look at 5 key benefits of Cull’s Digital Mailroom service for businesses that are forging on and looking to stay operational and competitive during the COVID-19 pandemic.
1. Improved Remote Working
- Give your remote teams the ability to access and manage daily post digitally online.
- No more physically handling and distributing mail. Move to Cull’s Digital Mailroom solution where your mail is digitally available 24/7 from anywhere on any device.
- Get mail out to your teams faster and give them the power to securely access documents and manage their tasks from the office, at home, or on the go.
2. Improved Efficiencies and Response Times
- Cull’s fast digital mailroom process of inbound mail gives you the ability to have mail delivered digitally into your workflow within just a few hours of the mail coming through the door. This increase in response times will improve service quality and customer service as well as speeding up cash flow.
- Cull’s Digital Mailroom service allows organisations to focus on key business areas, to maximise value, and increase productivity.
3. Reduce Costs
- Most of Cull’s Digital Mailroom clients see a reduction in cost and return on investment within the first month.
- Many organisations do not realise the amount of resources and money lost simply opening, sorting, and distributing mail. With Cull’s Digital Mailroom, you could use this resource to focus more on key performance duties and save on the overhead cost of an internal mailroom.
4. Keeping You Safe and Compliant
- All documents are captured and recorded upon entering the organisation, giving you fewer touch points on paper mail and no chance of business-critical post getting lost or misplaced.
- Paper records are digitised and audit trails are secured.
- With our Digital Mailroom, categorising, maintaining and retrieving legal documents is made quick and simple. This means no more storing in filing cabinets or trying to find the key for the archive room.
5. Reclaimed Operations Space
- Outsourced mail operations can free up space for other business needs allowing the organisation to condense its physical footprint for cost reduction and social distancing.
Are you ready to go digital?
Paper mail is still an important part of many businesses. But, utilising a digital mailroom allows you to save money, speed up mail processing, make mail available remotely to staff, and helps you create a COVID-19 friendly workplace.
To find out how you can improve efficency, reduce costs and operate in a COVID-19 secure way with a digital mailroom – get in touch today.